KERR County

Kerr County - In the Heart of the Hill Country

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Kerr County is located 65 miles northwest of San Antonio, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country just off Interstate 10.

As of the 2020 U.S. Census, the county's population numbered 52,598 residents. Kerrville, the largest city in the county, also serves as the county seat.

Early settler Joshua D. Brown named the county after his fellow Kentucky native, James Kerr, a congressman of the Republic of Texas.

Kerr County's measures about 1,100 square miles and, in addition to Kerrville, it envelops the communities of Ingram, Center Point, Hunt, Mountain Home and Camp Verde. The headwaters of the Guadalupe River begin in the western reaches of Kerr County.

Big Whitetail bucks annually draw sportsmen from far and wide. - Photo by Lisa Walter/Kerr County Public Relations

Current Burn Ban Information
Call 830-792-HEAT

The ban on open-air, open-flame burning is now LIFTED for ALL Kerr County Precincts - 1, 2, 3 and 4.

For up-to-date status checks on the burn ban, be sure to revisit this page.

Burn ban information is also available by calling the hotline - 830-792-HEAT.

Public Notices

Read public notices, both voluntary and statutory, for Kerr County. This includes, but is not limited to: public meeting notices, RFQ and RFP postings, tax sales, burn ban and fireworks information, adopted property tax rates, adopted Kerr County budgets, actions by elected and appointed officials, and more.

Upcoming Events

Monday, December 9, 2024 Kerr County Commissioners' Court
Monday, December 23, 2024 Kerr County Commissioners' Court

Latest County News

Wintertips (1) November 21st, 2024

Now is the time to prepare for winter months ahead

Even though afternoon temperatures are nice and mild right now, it is time for Kerr County residents to prepare their homes for the upcoming winter months.

“I realize it is hard to think about an ice storm when afternoon temperatures are still pretty comfortable or even warm. But those morning mercury readings are dipping further down and getting pretty chilly. That serves as a great reminder for us that it is time to get ready for whatever ice storms or cold snaps this winter may bring,” said William B. “Dub” Thomas, coordinator of Kerr County Emergency Management.

Here are some good tips for winter safety and cost savings.

Vsotempchange November 18th, 2024

Veterans Service Office announces temporary change in service

Short staffing and an abbreviated week due to the Thanksgiving holiday has prompted the Kerr County Veterans Service Office to announce a temporary change in service.

From Monday through Wednesday, Nov. 25-27, the office will honor only appointments already reserved and decline walk-ins. Service will return to normal on Monday, Dec. 2.

Thanksgivingclosure (1) November 18th, 2024

Kerr County, Texas, to close for Thanksgiving break

Kerr County's elected officials wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season ahead!

So that county employees may enjoy time with their family and friends, most county offices will be observing a two-day closing on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 28-29.