Kerr County Law Library
The Kerr County Law Library is operated as a public service for residents of Kerr County. The library is open and available to the general public and attorneys. The library is paid for through a portion of civil court costs dedicated to the operation of the library, per Local Government Code 323.023.
Kerr County Courthouse
700 Main Street
2nd Floor, Near District Clerk
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Phone: 830-792-2281
Mondays - Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(excluding Kerr County Holidays)
Library Information
Attorneys or the general public may check out the key to the Law Library at the front desk of the District Clerk.s Office. A driver.s license is required in exchange for the key.
-- Three computers with internet access.
-- Legal research by WestlawNext/Lexis Advanced
-- Self-serve printer. Fees are $0.15 per page. (Collected at the District Clerk.s Office)
The Law Library is a self- service Law Library. Patrons will only be directed resources. We cannot give out legal advice, draft information, translate, or assist in filling out forms. The Library cooperates with the community to enhance knowledge of the law and to facilitate access to the justice system.