Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2
Honorable J.R. Hoyne
Court Coordinator: Misty Trahan
Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2
400 Clearwater Paseo, Suite 103
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Phone: 830-792-6444
Fax: 830-792-6414
Email: mtrahan@co.kerr.tx.us
Hours of Operation:
Mondays - Fridays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (lunch 12-1)
The Justice of the Peace has jurisdiction over minor misdemeanor offenses (Class C), and in civil matters in which the amount in controversy is no more than $20,000. A variety of civil process, as well as arrest and search warrants, can be issued by the Justice of the Peace. The Justice of the Peace also sits as judge of the small claims courts, in actions for the recovery of money, in which the amount in controversy is no more than $20,000.
The Justice of the Peace may also preside over hearings pertaining to suspension of driver licenses and conduct other hearings and inquests. The Justice of the Peace may conduct marriage ceremonies and serves as ex officio notary public for the precinct. The Justice of the Peace has administrative and financial duties concerning the keeping of records and fee and expense reports.
Links & Documents
COVID-19 Vulnerable Individuals Information
The Law Dictionary
Rules For Justice Court Cases
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure
Texas AG Tenant Rights
Texas Rules of Evidence
Local Rules of Procedure and Rules of Decorum
Duties of Courts in Texas
Wedding Information
Appointment & Fee Report
State Law Library
Additional Resources
Obtaining A Protective Order
Ticket Help Texas
Legal Self Help Information Packets
Filing an Eviction Case
When an Eviction Case has been Filed Against You
Filing a Small Claims Case
When a Small Claims Case has been Filed Against You
When a Debt Claims Case has been Filed Against You
Been Locked Out by Your Landlord or Utilities Cut Off?
When Your Landlord Will Not Make Repairs
Behind on Rent or Utility Bills? -- Texas Rent Relief Home Page
Make a Payment
To make a payment using a credit card, click, PAY ONLINE.
To make a payment using a credit over the phone, call 1-866-549-1010.
When paying by phone, you will need to enter the Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2, Bureau Code 9906421.
Note: You will need your ticket or case number to process the payment. If you do not have one of these numbers contact the clerk at the number or email above.