
County Clerk's Office, est. 1856

700 Main Street, Ste. 122, Kerrville, TX 78028

Kerr County Clerk Nadene Alford

OPEN Mondays-Fridays, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. | PHONE 830-792-2255
Nadene 05 09 24 2

"Our highly motivated and skilled clerks go above and beyond to assist you, because outstanding customer service is a top priority, and we strive to build lasting relationships with the public."

"We are the official record keepers of vital statistics, the county court-at-law, county court, the commissioners' court, and land and other official public records. As such, we collect approximately $1.2 million each year in statutory fees, court costs and local fines."

"Our goal is to serve you to the best of our ability, and treat you with respect and kindness. In return, we thank you for your patience and your trust in us by allowing us to continue to serve you daily."


**Campaign Finance Reports are located at the bottom of our webpage. We are currently working on publishing these and appreciate your patience.**

AVA Search Terms Quick Start Reference

·  For easements, you search in the Last Name / Business Name box, and type “vol 01” or “vol 23” (easements go up to vol 23). You do not need to use quotations.

·  For regular deeds, you search in the Last Name / Business Name box volumes a – z and up to volume number 930 for terms like vol a, vol b, vol 027, vol 100, vol 930, so on and so forth. Any Deed volume after 930, use the Book and Page boxes.

·  For deeds of trust, search in the Document Number box for terms like Dot_Vol_279, dot_vol_10 all the way to 002 (we do not have a volume 001 in electronic format). NOTE that there are underscores in the search terms for Deeds of Trust books.

·  For Deed Index Books and Deed General Index Books, search those two terms in the Document Type box, i.e. Deed index books, deed general Index books.

·  Caps and lowercase do not matter; it’s all the same.

Online Forms & Other Resources

Land & OPR

AVA (Real Time Search)

Laredo (Subscription Only - Contact Nadene Alford for details)

DBA & Vitals Search

Property Fraud Alert (Subscribe for FREE!)

Notices of Trustee-Foreclosure Sales

  • $2.00 to file your notice at the Clerks Office

Kerr Central Appraisal District


Request for Copy of Land / OPR Records


Apply for an Assumed Name Certificate "DBA" Online

  • $29.00 (Cash, Check or Credit Card)

To complete the online application process for your DBA, you will need to appear in person (signature required along with a valid drivers license)

Once completed, we will provide your "DBA Certificate" this allows you to open an account with your banker for:

  • Sole Proprietorship

  • General Partnership (additional fees may apply)

  • Any other Business types will need to be done with the Secretary of State's office; for example... LLC or LLP (Texas Secretary of State 512-463-5555)

Assumed Name Certificate "DBA" Forms:

Marks & Brands Application

Request DD214


Misdemeanor Crimes

  • There will be a minimum $2 convenience fee (or up to 3% of total) from Certified Payments in addition to the $2 Clerk's Administrative fee for each payment made to your case. To pay over the phone, call 830-792-2255.

  • To pay in person, only cash, cashier's check, money order, or credit card will be accepted; or mail a cashier's check or money order to the address above; NO CHECKS.

Case or Party Search

Request for Misdemeanor Case Records




Honorable Judge Susan F. Harris


Vital Statistics

Kerr Vitals & DBA Search

Birth or Death Record (Certified Copy) Application

  • You will need your valid Driver's License.

  • $23 per birth certificate (anyone Texas-born)

  • Most often, you will be the person purchasing your own birth certificate. Other times, you may need an immediate family member to assist you. Call 830-792-2255 to see who may qualify as an immediate family member.

  • $21 for the first death certificate, $4 per each additional copy (in the same transaction)

  • A funeral home or an immediate family member qualifies to purchase a death certificate.

Marriage Record (Certified Copy) Application

  • $21 per certified copy

  • There is no such thing as a "plain copy" of a marriage record.


  • Apply for a Marriage License In-Person

  • Apply for a Marriage License Online Form

  • $81 (cash or credit card)

  • You each must appear in person, and you each will need your driver's license.

  • Absent Applicants: call 830-792-2255 to see if you qualify.

  • You can bring your Social Security card, but it is not required - you will, however, need to provide your SS number at the time of service.

  • Once a marriage license has been issued by the County Clerk's office, it is valid for 90 days from the issue date and is valid in any other county in the state of Texas.


Probates & Guardianships



  • (In-Person, unless video-conference is authorized)

Case or Party Search

Request for Probate Records

Pauper Burial (Policy & Application)



  • A $5 Search fee must be paid up front if you don't know the case number. Use the Case or Party Search link above to see if you can locate the case number first, before requesting any records.

Small Estate Affidavit Application (Pro Se)

Small Estate Affidavit Checklist

Clarification Regarding Filing an Original Will with the Clerk in a Probate Proceeding.

  • The original Will must be filed with the Clerk’s Office AFTER the case has been e-filed and can be:

  • Mailed via Certified USPS, FedEx, or UPS to the address above, notating Attn: Probate Clerk, and it will be logged as received, OR

  • Hand delivered to the County Clerk’s Office, first floor of the County Courthouse, 700 Main St. RM 122, Kerrville, TX 78028, and the will be logged as received.


Need More Info?

Call 830-792-2255 and we'll do our best to assist you over the phone. The Clerks cannot give legal advice. Contact a local attorney for advice, or visit



CLICK HERE for more information about local elections in Kerr County.

Candidate Information

Campaign Finance Reports Listed below (We are currently working on publishing these and appreciate your patience.)

Campaign Finance Reports

ATTENTION:  We are currently working on publishing these and appreciate your patience.

The 88th Legislature passed HB 2626, which requires all political subdivisions to post on their website all campaign finance reports filed on or after Sept. 1, 2023. The new internet posting requirement applies to all entities that receive campaign finance reports, including counties, cities, school districts, hospital districts, library districts, utility districts, water districts, etc. The campaign reports must be posted within 10 business days of receipt and remain on the political subdivision’s website for 5 years after the report is first made available.

Candidate Information

The following is a list of all candidates who have filed an application for a place on the General ballot. This list will be updated periodically. All officeholders and any new candidates for office are required to file campaign finance reports with the Kerr County Elections Office in compliance with the Texas Ethics Commission filing schedule. Those reports are grouped below.

County Commissioner, Precinct 1





Thomas E. "Tom" Jones





2024-01-09 COH

2024-01-31 COH

County Commissioner, Precinct 3





Jeff Charles Holt




2024-02-01 COH

2024-01-26 COH

2024-01-16 COH

2023-12-05 CTA

County Clerk





Daniel (Danny) Holcomb





Frequently Asked Questions

What is your refund policy?


All requests for refunds are strictly monitored by the Kerr County Clerk. The policy is: "No refunds. All sales are final." There must be an error on the side of the clerk's office for a refund to be considered. Refunds, if approved, may not happen the same day.

What forms of payment do you accept?


We do not accept personal checks for most transactions, but we will accept a check from a title company, bank or law firm. We accept all major credit cards, but there is a 3rd party 3% convenience fee (a $2 minimum) on all transactions. We accept by mail or in-person a cashier's check or money order. Additionally, we also accept cash for in-person transactions. Call ahead to confirm if we will accept a personal check for your situation.

I don't search computers very well. Can you please help me?


We certainly can and will be happy to help to get you started on the public computers in the office. Unfortunately, we are unauthorized to conduct research. For extensive research, you will need to contact a local title company.

My parent passed away. I have their will, so what do I do?


The Kerr County Clerk's Office cannot give legal advice. You should contact an attorney for advice. Or, visit

How do I request letters testamentary, letters of administration or letters of guardianship?


Letters testamentary are always original issuances from the clerk. No copies are made. Only the executor, administrator, guardian or the attorney of record can receive such documents. 

How do I file my motion into a case?


All attorneys must use the efile system as mandated by the Texas Supreme Court and Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. If you are having technical difficulties, then you will need to contact your efile provider for assistance.

I think I have a warrant. What do I do?


The Kerr County Clerk's Office cannot give legal advice. You should contact an attorney for advice. Or, visit

Can I make a payment of any amount toward my payment plan?


Whether you have a payment plan or not, we will follow current office policy which is:

1.) If you are paying toward a payment plan by credit card, then we will only accept up to the allowable payment plan amount per month, as authorized by the judge;

2.) If you are trying to pay toward a case that does not have a payment plan, then you will need to contact the county clerk's office about setting up a payment plan;

3.) If you would like to pay off a case or payment plan in one lump sum, but the amount is more than the allowable payment plan amount (even if there isn't a payment plan), then you will need to pay in person by cash or through the mail using a cashier's check or money order.

Can I pay the outstanding balance on a case so someone can get out of jail?


You can pay any amount of money toward someone's outstanding balance, whether they're in jail or not. If that person is in jail, though, you must pay in person and pay by cash, money order or cashier's check. No credit cards or checks will be taken to pay the outstanding balance of someone who is in jail.

How much is a birth or death certificate? How long does it take to get a birth/death certificate take?


Birth Certificate is $23 each, due at time of service.

Death Certificate is $21 for the first copy, and $4 per additional copy (in the same transaction) due at time of service.

The process to receive a birth or death certificate takes between 5 and 15 minutes.

What do I need to bring to get a birth/death certificate?


Your valid driver's license (DL, or State Issued ID) is all you will need to bring as identification. Valid means your DL is unexpired.

If your driver's license is invalid, then you must bring your Social Security card in addition to your invalid DL or ID.

Any other form of valid U.S. or state government-issued identification will most likely be accepted.

Please call us at 830-792-2255 for the full list of items that can be used if you don't have the above items.

Can I get a birth/death certificate through the mail?


Yes. You will need to complete the second page attached to the form and follow the instructions about notarizing your signature and the copy of your driver's license. For further instructions, to ensure a smooth process and to avoid delay, it is best to call us at 830-792-2255.

Will the birth certificate you issue me work for a U.S. Passport?


The birth certificate we issue to Kerr County-born folks will work for a passport (what we issue to Kerr County-born folks is considered the "long form", because it has longer information on there.) If we issue a birth certificate to someone who was born in a different county, then that is called an abstract (or a "snapshot") with very limited information on it. It is best to call the local Passport office at 830-792-2281 to check its policy to see if what we issued you will work for obtaining a passport.

Can I get a birth certificate for my child?


Yes. If you are the mother or father of the child, and your name appears on the record as the listed parent, then you will be able to obtain the record with all applicable identification.

Example of exception: Dad wants to get the birth certificate of baby, but he was unable to make it to the hospital during the time Mom and baby were in the care of the hospital. So now, unfortunately, the hospital doesn't get Dad's name entered on the record. Dad cannot obtain the record from the clerk's office because he's not listed as a parent, nor can the paternal grandparents obtain the record either. However, Mom and maternal grandparents can obtain the record (with all applicable identification.)

Can I get a birth/death certificate for my friend?


NO. You must be an immediate family member to obtain a person's birth/death certificate.

I was born in another state/country/province/territory. Can I get my birth certificate?


No. You will need to contact the county/parish/territory/province you were born in to obtain your birth certificate.

I wasn't born in Kerr County, but I was born in Texas. Can I still get my birth certificate?


Yes. If the remote system connected to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics is up and running, we will be able to get your birth certificate.

Can we obtain an Acknowledgment of Paternity from you?


Yes. You must schedule an appointment with us for the acknowledgment of paternity process. Allow up to 2 hours for the process to be completed. Both parents absolutely must appear in person for this process.

My fiancé and I are needing a marriage license. What do we do?


You both need to appear in person. Each of you will need your driver's license (which cannot be expired more than 2 years.) You will need to know your Social Security numbers, but are not required to show us your cards. The cost is $81 (cash or credit card)

We will ask you some questions and, in all likelihood, you will receive your license. Then, there is a 72-hour waiting period. Your ceremony must be held 72 hours after we hand you the license, but before the license's 90-day expiration date. We do not schedule an officiant for you. That is something you must do on your own.

I lost the marriage license before our wedding date. Can you please replace it for me?


Unfortunately, no. You will need to take the same steps as you did before to obtain a new one.

The officiant married us and signed the license. Has he returned it yet, because we changed our minds.


Once the officiant pronounces you man and wife, you are married. It is a criminal offense upon the officiant if the marriage license is not returned to the clerk.

Can't you just delete my marriage record?


Absolutely NOT! It is a felony offense to remove any record from the County Clerk's records.

I'm in the military, and I can't be there in person to obtain our marriage license. What do we do?


If either of you (or both of you) are actively in the military, then please call us at 830-792-2255 for instructions about obtaining your marriage license as an absent applicant. In all likelihood, we will be able to help you.

How much is a DBA?


$29 if the clerk acknowledges the form, or $23 if you have a notary acknowledge it. Sometimes, your bank or financial advisor may offer a free notary service to its customers, so you may decide you would like to call around for the best services offered.

What are your recording fees for land / OPR records?


$25 for the first page, and $4 per each page, or part of a page, that follows. All of our fees are listed here.

Do you have records online?


Yes. Press Ctrl + Home or scroll to the top sections of this webpage for the links to see the different departments of records. We also keep the old books of Land/OPR records, including plats, if you would like to view the records in person.

How much is it to post a Notice for Trustee-Foreclosure Sales? How often do you post for Trustee-Foreclosure Sales?

  • To file your notice to post with our office will be $2.00 fee.

  • Our office will post the Trustee-Foreclosures monthly.

How do we get divorced?


Divorce proceedings take place through the District Courts. The filing authority for Kerr County is the District Clerk's office.

I have a case coming up and I really need to talk to the judge about it. What do I do?


The Kerr County Clerk's Office cannot give legal advice. You should contact an attorney for advice. Or, visit

Our Staff

Nadene Alford

County Clerk

Denise Vela

County Clerk Chief Deputy

Nuvia Cruces

County Senior Deputy Clerk - Civil

Angelica Avila

County Senior Deputy Clerk - Vitals

Ana Keller

County Senior Deputy Clerk - OPR/Land Records

Jacquie McClintock

Bookkeeper/County Deputy Clerk

Anna Beth Patterson

County Deputy Clerk - Elections

Heidi Killeen

County Deputy Clerk - Elections

Allie Piper

County Deputy Clerk - Probate

Connie Tilley

County Deputy Clerk - Juvenile

Richard "Colton" Euler

County Deputy Clerk - Civil/CCAL

Aaron Luebano

County Deputy Clerk - CCAL

TamRa Mero

County Deputy Clerk - CCAL

Catelyn White

County Deputy Clerk - Vitals

Kim Gatlin

County Deputy Clerk - OPR/Land Records

Christian Moss

County Deputy Clerk -OPR/Land/Archive Records